"Confronting Christianity" by Rebecca McLaughlin invites us to confront the tough questions of faith with courage and intellectual honesty. Throughout this sermon series, we learn that our doubts can lead to deeper faith, cultural challenges can be opportunities for growth, and tough moral questions can be addressed with love and grace. As we journey together through these topics, may we be transformed into a community that reflects God's love and truth in a world desperately seeking hope and meaning.
Aug 13 - Are we better off without religion?
Aug 20 - How can you take the Bible Literally?
Aug 27 - Doesn't Christianity denegrate women?
Sept 3 - Hasn't Science disproved Christianity?
Sept 10 - Is Christianity the only true religion?
Sept 17 - Would a loving God send people to hell?
Disscussion guide to be included for life groups to continue the discussion beyond the Sunday sermon.