Holy communion is a special gift that Jesus gave to his church. It is a vital part of our church life. It gives us great comfort and strength. It unites us as one big church family. It celebrates all that Jesus has done for us.
Our First Communion class invites parents to share in their child’s journey as they learn more about holy communion, and prepare to receive this special meal for the first time. It has been designed to complete four lessons together in your homes as well as two group sessions with other parents and children preparing for first communion. We also recommend you find other adult mentors, such as their godparents, who can journey with your child as they embark on this part of their faith journey.
Children 10+ years old are invited to enroll in First Communion.
This course is designed to be completed over five to six weeks.
1. Group session - to be completed together with any other families working through this course of first communion and led by Pastor Nick
2. Family Lesson (Week 1) - Remembering what Jesus has done for us.
3. Family Lesson (Week 2) – Eating and drinking.
4. Family Lesson (Week 3) – God’s gifts.
5. Family Lesson (Week 4) – Preparing for holy communion.
6. Group session – to be completed together with all the families. A lunch is planned.
7. Sunday worship service (Palm Sunday) where the participants and their families will take part in their first communion together.